
Please join us as we celebrate 26 years of the Lasallian Dinner & Auction

on April 25, 2015

6-7:00PM ~  Cocktail Hour with Open Bar and Passed Hors d'Oeuvres

7:00 PM ~ Sit-down Dinner is Served

8:30 PM ~ Silent Auction Closes & Live Auction begins


** seating in tables of 10

2015 Lasallian Dinner & Auction Registration

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Individual Ticket $0.00

Couple (2 included) $0.00

Creamy Carmel Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Reserved table for ten with name featured in tabletop display

Full page color advertisement in CBA Lasallian Auction Catalog valued at $500

Listing in program as a “Creamy Carmels” Sponsor

Recognition as a sponsor in all press releases and auction information posted on the CBA website

Verbal recognition during Lasallian Dinner & Auction

Prominent signage on auction night in high traffic area

Scrolling display on a large video screen during dinner

Ribbon Candy Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Reserved table for ten with name featured in tabletop display

Half page advertisement in CBA Lasallian Auction Catalog valued at $200

Listing in program as “Ribbon Candy” Sponsor

Verbal recognition during Lasallian Dinner & Auction

Prominent signage on auction night in high traffic area

Licorice Laces Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Reserved table for ten with name featured in tabletop display

Listing in program as a “Licorice Laces” Sponsor

Faculty/Staff Individual $0.00

Faculty/Staff with Guest (2 included) $0.00